1.5.1403.0601 - Release notes:

Please refer to the FAQ for general questions on usage:

Supported operating systems

Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1

For hardware and software requirements, see further details here:


Internet connection

Requires Internet connectivity and HTTPS / HTTP port 80/8080 to be open

For live streaming on lowest settings, a minimum upload speed of 500 Kbps is required

Known limitations:

For a list of bugs being worked on see Known Issues section. For other general known limitations see list below.

1. Garena Messenger has conflicting hotkey with the default hotkey of XSplit Gamecaster

2. Garena may be hooking the D3D functions of XSplit Gamecaster causing XSplit Gamecaster to crash when Garena Messenger is closed.

After verification we will work with Garena to resolve issue 2 as soon as possible.

Features (1.5.1402.1801 -> 1.5.1403.0601)

- GCT-1164 - Support Elgato HD capture card in console mode

Improvements (1.5.1402.1801 -> 1.5.1403.0601)

- GCT-1276 - Allow Two-layer authentication for Twitch accounts

- GCT-1240 - Remove "OEM" part of certain hotkeys text like "OEMCOMMA"

- GCT-1213 - Switch to BRB graphics when game is not in focus (before BRB screen was only shown when game was minimized)

- GCT-1031 - Make media editor window buttons flat

Fixes (1.5.1402.1801 -> 1.5.1403.0601)

- GCT-1452 - File split does not work when folder path includes '&'

- GCT-1440 - Open-external-window dialog is still displayed when the overlay is not active

- GCT-1438 - Texts on the overlay do not update when language is changed while streaming/recording/benchmarking

- GCT-1434 - GPU driver update prompt not showing up on 32-bit machines

- GCT-1429 - Gear Icon is missing on the settings button for Media Editors when using a free-user account

- GCT-1425 - Gray overlay do not disappear when OAuth windows are closed

- GCT-1418 - Recording / Stream fails when '&' is included on the default recordings location

- GCT-1416 - Exception occurs when overlay hooks on the game - Don't Starve

- GCT-1411 - Cursor movements are still captured by the game when in annotation mode - Master of Epic

- GCT-1409 - Notification messages are still less visible

- GCT-1405 - Recording resolution must be "Automatic" on new installation

- GCT-1402 - Missing title bar text on the Google Plus OAuth window on the overlay

- GCT-1400 - HELP on the overlay controls returns a dead link

- GCT-1397 - Repeatedly opening/close the in-game Twitch authorization window may cause exception

- GCT-1396 - Exception may occur when rapidly de-authorizing accounts on the Accounts tab

- GCT-1389 - Default Splash screen values shows application version to be 1.1 for a short moment

- GCT-1384 - Additional chat settings disappear when user is hovering on label then transfers to the additional options

- GCT-1369 - Video file can be deleted even if an embedded dialog is active

- GCT-1368 - HTML entities are displayed as symbols on alert dialogs

- GCT-1365 - Alt text displays '&' as &

- GCT-1364 - HTML entities are automatically displayed as symbols on the Share-to-Facebook dialogs

- GCT-1244 - Language selector on the External Settings does not close when the external settings window is being resized

- GCT-XXXX - Issue with some OGL games

-- Awesomenauts (when game is running on OGL, overlay doesn’t appear)

-- Farming Simulator 2013 (overlay doesn’t render properly, cannot use annotation)

- GCT-1415 - Problems with file splitting (for verification)

- GCT-1216 - CPU usage may increase over time  (for verification)

- GCT-1127 - Key presses are ignored in various scenarios  (for verification)

- GCT-1046 - In the dropdowns, sometime the mouse wheel doesn't work  (for verification)

Known Issues (1.5.1403.0601)




- GCT-1381 - Starcraft 2 crashes on multiple overlay toggles (in most case this may require 30+ quick successive toggles)


- GCT-1403 - YouTube Live Scheduling must be the same as Broadcaster

- GCT-1399 - Current folder active redirects to the root folder after authenticating a YouTube account on the Recordings Tab

- GCT-1279 - Special characters (Including Japanese, Chinese and Korean) are not accepted on in-game overlay input boxes

- GCT-1241 - Some static texts that cannot be translated

- GCT-884 - In 'Console viewer' the camera can be sized larger than the canvas

- GCT-XXXX - Issues with some Japanese client games

-- MapleStory (in-game keyboard input due to game’s security tool)

-- Touhou07 (overlay is not visible)

- GCT-XXXX - Issues with some Chinese client games

-- AION (missing cursor in overlay)

-- Huntworld (missing cursor in overlay)


- GCT-1437 - Embedded dialogs for sharing/uploading VOD's take up some time before being displayed completely

- GCT-1351 - Sorting recordings by filename doesn't list the videos correctly

- GCT-1209 - Selecting French(Caribbean) as keyboard layout causes an exception

- GCT-1129 - Some translated texts exceeds space provided

- GCT-1103 - Some text remains translated after language change

- GCT-961 - Chroma key slider feels sluggish


- GCT-1208 - Icon missing after update

If you are looking for the release notes of the previous version, please look here.  

To see how issues are prioritized, kindly click here.